Army Charity Boxing Events
Event Organisation
(Inc. Charity Boxing Events, Sports Tours and Civilian Boxing).
- Charity Boxing Events. Boxing Officers and ProjOs are to be read carefully the paragraph extracted from JSP 660 Sport in the UK Armed Forces when organising boxing events where charitable money is to be raised.
“It is MOD policy not to support charities or charitable events without recovering costs (See JSP 462 – Financial Management and Charging Policy Manual). In principle therefore, Service sporting events are not authorised for charitable fund raising and the use of public funding to support participation in such events is inadmissible. Where an event is authorised for sound Service reasons (such as an Inter Services Championship, an Armed Forces or sS fixture), public funding is admissible within the relevant regulation and charitable fund raising can be conducted as a secondary function.”
- Regional Associations. There are 11 Regional Associations in England, and each control and license boxing events in their geographical area. The UKAFBA is an association in its own right. Any boxing that takes place in England must be licensed and this responsibility lies with the Regional Association Secretary, the only exception to this is for Service Boxing if it takes place with service personnel only and takes place on service property.
- Tournament Permits. Permits or Licenses are granted to boxing events by the secretary whose region the event is due to take place in. They usually cost approximately £200.
- Tournament permits are granted to ensure that matches and events are run within the rules of England boxing and are presided over by qualified Officials. A permit acts as insurance for the Boxers in the case of serious injury during a bout.
- White collar boxing is unlicensed and uninsured and is not permissible by any registered Boxer.
- Venue Licenses. Hotels, Leisure Centres and function halls must be licensed to stage boxing events. Organisers should ensure that the venue has a license to stage a boxing event.
- Boxing Shows Involving Military and Civilian Boxers. The organisers of any shows that involve civilians in any way stated in Para 1 or Annex C to Section 8 must contact the UKAFBA Sec at the outset of any planning to discuss the event and the licensing of it.
- Supervisors. The Supervisor is the senior official and is responsible for the safe conduct of the boxing at the event.
- A civilian Supervisor must preside over a boxing event in a civilian location even if it is two military teams unless a military Official known to the Regional Association Secretary is agreed upon.
- A civilian Supervisor may not preside over a boxing event in a military location even if the boxing taking place is between two civilian clubs.
- The UKAFBA Secretary will contact the Regional Association Secretary to ensure a permit is provided as economically as possible if a civilian venue is being used. If a military venue is being used to host civilian Boxers the UKAFBA Secretary will provide the appropriate permit (Cert of Assurance).
- Officials and Coaches. Officials and Coaches must be appropriately registered to take part in a civilian boxing event, this requires a registration through England Boxing (£22) and Coaches will require a DBS certificate. Details of this can be found in Section 7. This is often time consuming, so early engagement is important.
- All Boxers must be registered through England Boxing as per Section 7 (Registration). Cost of this registration is £11 per Boxer.
- Application for authority to box in a civilian competition. Each Boxer must apply to their CO for authority to box outside of a military environment, this is to place the Boxer and Coaches ON DUTY where appropriate and to allow the sS Boxing Association to be aware that one of its Boxers is competing, should an injury occur. A copy must be sent to the UKAFBA and sS Secretary and a copy of the Tournament Record Sheet must be sent after the bout. A copy of the application can be found at Annex C to Section 8.
- Boxing Against Civilians Outside of England. For boxing events that involve civilians and service personnel, all the processes above must be followed, plus the UKAFBA Secretary must liaise with both the countries boxing executives to gain permission for Boxers registered to England Boxing to box foreign nationals, this applies to Northern Ireland. Only countries affiliated to AIBA may be competed against. See Annex D to Section 8.
- Military Boxing Events in Civilian Venues in Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Military boxing events in civilian venues in the rest of UK can create issues for the organiser in gaining a license, as all SP are registered as England Boxers, regardless of their country birth or country of residence.
- Technically the UKAFBA cannot license events outside of England, however events involving military personnel only in a venue holding a license to host boxing events will be granted a Certificate of Assurance if all the appropriate measures are in place.
- The National Boxing Federation or Association will be informed but no local Officials can be used to support such events as they are not insured.
- Any Boxing Officer / ProjO or event organiser planning such an event should contact the UKAFBA Operations Manager in the first instance.
- Sports Tours. For boxing teams that wish to embark on a sports tour, organisers must follow all the steps above and additionally apply for permission to tour from their sS Sports Boards. Information regarding Sports Tours can be found as follows;
- RNBA – Contact the Royal Navy Sport Board
- Army BA –
- RAFBA – Contact the Executive Secretary
- The sS Secretaries, through the UKAFBA Operations Manager, will be required to apply to England Boxing for permission to take an English registered team abroad to box, only countries affiliated to AIBA may be visited.
- England Boxing will liaise with the National Governing Body of the country to be visited to ask whether the Boxers due to be matched are appropriately registered with genuine records of experience. See Annex D to Section 8.